Major Features of Java Programming Language

Java means that developers who switch to Java won't have any issue in terms of syntax. Second, the notion of pointers has been eliminated from Java which can cause confusion for the programmer. Furthermore, pointers can be vulnerable to security. Object-Oriented Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language, that is to say, in Java all programming is done using objects and classes. What is an object? It is an actual entity in the world that could represent any individual or place and be distinct from other objects. Each object around us is a part of a state or behaviors that is associated with it. For instance, my mobile phone is a real thing and is a state that includes things like model, color, brand quality of camera, etc These properties are represented in variables. Mobile is also associated with activities like calling or messaging, taking photos and so on. These actions are represented through methods that are implemented in Java. Platform Independent The primary goal of...